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"The three of you did a phenomenal job and make an excellent team.”

"I appreciate the positivity and encouraging manners of the presentation. The refocus part will be a challenge that I look forward to implementing."

"Great presentations. I learned a lot of information that I will implement."

"Very informative. I will practice the strategies learned today during the upcoming school year." 

"Adam’s energy is amazing. Great strategies/wonderful listener/extremely patient." 

"Great energy and useful ideas for return to school. Practical application and great motivation to make your life easier." 

"The seminar was exciting and motivating. It helped me to get to know staff better and set the tone for the upcoming year." 

"Activities were engaging and well planned." 

"Enjoyed the seminar. It went fast and the instructor was engaging." 

"Inspiring, motivational instructor. Very eye opening and hit close to home. Keep up the good work."

"You all need to continue to work with us and our staff to move forward and continue to bring greatness to our students and families."

“Keep sharing your knowledge w
ith others, it is powerful." 


The three of you did a phenomenal job and make an excellent team.”


“Expect more workshops scheduled with us.”- Director of ECYC school in Rahway


“You all need to continue to work with us and our staff to move forward and continue to bring greatness to our students and families.”

"Adam Holbrook provides ongoing leadership training to our staff.  He leads and empowers us through his dynamic personality and extensive knowledge of leadership and personal development.  He makes sure our team and school functions in the best way possible.  We always look forward to his continued work with us."

- Alan Miner Berger-Owner Peace Through Play Nursery School


"Thank you! Great information, strategies to utilize right now, energizing, fun, and lots of smiles!!"


"Great presentation. I love being a 32 year teacher and attend PD (Personal Development) I can bring back to the classroom."

"Adam delivered a high energy presentation that is relevant to all aspects of personal and professional growth."
Principal Rob Reavey

"Thank you! You kept us engaged the entire presentation. I look forward to using this approach." 

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