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Classroom Management

Warnings, Warnings, Warnings…

How Many Is Enough?


So much of a teacher’s time is committed to the handful of students who are continuously disrupting the classroom and having to be addressed. Time To Teach is a set of classroom strategies proven to eliminate the multiple warnings and repeated requests in a way that is efficient and effective.


Classroom management is a daily challenge for any educator. Whether you are the new teacher excited to take on the world or the seasoned veteran who has probably experienced about every type of student there can be.


Classroom management is forever a challenge. Time To Teach provides educators with a set of strategies that can be used immediately. These strategies allow a teacher to eliminate repeated warnings and multiple requests. Any educator will be able to stand tall and deliver their lessons with confidence and productivity. No longer will they have to be constantly dealing with classroom discipline disruptions. Instead, they will have what is really important--Time To Teach.

Adam Holbrook is a Time To Teach Facilitator on the 5 Core Components that promote classroom success.  He will eliminate up to 90% of those pesky low level classroom behavioral concerns, so teachers can be more energized, happier and have more “Time to Teach”.  Eliminating multiple warnings and repeated requests that drain teacher energy.  Results will be improved test scores, better student/teacher relationships, and making the classroom a more enjoyable experience.


Our program has 5 Components


  • Self Control - Remain calm/respond right Using Diffusers and not engaging in Conflict. Conflict is inevitable, battle is optional.  Setting Effective limits.  Honoring personal space.

  • Teach To's - Giving the students a voice in classroom rules and procedures.  Everyone tells us we need to teach rules and procedures of the classroom but nobody tells us how.  Our programs does.  We Teach Expectations, Look for performance on those expectations and give accurate and timely consequences.

  • ReFocus - What Time to Teach is known for. No more multiple warnings, back, time outs, check marks. Just Refocus.

  • Classroom Ecology - How the room is designed, arranged, scents, music and is by far the most overlooked area to promote a successful classroom.

  • Unconditional Positive Regard - Getting to know your students through contingent and non contingent actions will make students more excited to come to class, less behavioral concerns, and more motivated.

  • Plus many, many more.

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